In the Theatre, I've Been Watching:
Veronica Mars Movie (At AMC Theatres NOW! I saw it twice opening weekend!)
It began as a dream in a Kickstarter campaign on 3/14/13. Rob Thomas (the creator) and Kristen Bell (the star) were trying to raise $2 million to make a movie sequel to the popular 3-season tv show. In Kickstarter history, it became:
•Fastest project to reach $1 million.
•Fastest project to reach $2 million.
•All-time highest-funded project in FILM category.
•Third highest-funded project in Kickstarter history.
•Most project backers of any project in Kickstarter history.
A total of $5,702,153 was raised by 91,585 backers (including me)! The moviemaking process went into high gear and, in less than a year, the Veronica Mars movie was ready to go, 1 year to the day the Kickstarter campaign began: 3/14/14!!
As a die-hard Marshmallow (or V Mars fan), the movie was EVERYTHING I wanted it to be and more. MUCH MORE! If you've never seen the series, I recommend watching the first 3 seasons now and watching the movie when it's out on video! You won't be disappointed! Preorder The Veronica Mars Movie
On DVD, I've Been Watching:
Hell Baby
If you like silly movies and the type of humor in shows like Reno 911, you'll love this movie. CAUTION: There is nudity, so this is NOT for children of any age! It is the first movie I've seen in a long time that I watched 3 days in a row. Well, this one AND Austenland. Lol. Not exactly similar movies, but there you are. :)
I've Been Listening To:
1. Bobby McGee sung by Jennifer Love Hewitt - Seriously, don't knock it til you listen to it. It is a capella (drums do accompany, but they aren't melodic). Download this version right now!
2. What's Good For Me by Lucy Woodward
3. Somebody to Love by Queen
4. The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson (love it from Center Stage!)
I feel I might be the only book blogger who hasn't yet experienced Veronica Mars!! I was hoping the show would be on Netflix but it's not. Oh wait, I just realized it is on Amazon Prime. HMMMM! So glad it lived up to your expectations.